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Mindful news consumption: Keeping your mind sane while being up-to-date

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How often do you check for news updates: Every hour, or do you not watch the news at all?

Did you know that overconsumption of news can lead to depression and anxiety?

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Mindful News Consumption: Keeping your mind sane while being up-to-date Alexandra Blake

I do understand why some people decide to stop watching the news altogether. However, - some real talk here - I don't think that's the way to go. For one, I feel that it's part of being a responsible human to acknowledge the sorrow of others due to various crises, rather than ignoring it. More importantly, staying updated on what’s happening in the world can actually have some unexpected positive impacts on us, such as:

  • deepening our gratitude practice,

  • supporting us to make our actions more meaningful and mindful,

  • improving our intellectual discussion skills.

However, to get the benefits out of it, we have to do it right. We have to find the balance in order to protect our mental sanity.

We don't have to carry the world's problems, we just have to be aware of them.

And here’s how:

Image courtesy to Ludovica Dri.

Use it as a tool to cultivate gratitude and humility

Awareness of the crises, regardless being it climate or politics or something different, boosts our gratefulness for what we have in life immensly. Sometimes, everything seems mundane and uneventful. Knowing about how life is in different parts of the world refreshes our perspective on life, making the mundane things precious again and reminding us of what's actually important.

Don't forget the bigger context

Humans always faced challenges, and they always managed to work and grow through them. History also taught us that for peace, as sad as it is, there have to be crises. But especially in dark times, humans outgrow themselves and the true essence humanity becomes more visible than ever.

Consume the news once per day

That's enough. Watch a summary of the day at a dedicated time to keep up-to-date. Be attentive and take the time to truly process it. And then move on. Overconsumption will lead to exhaustion.

Not first thing in AM or last thing PM

Don't make it a part of your morning or evening routines - these are sacred times dedicated to our physical and mental well-being.

Choose your sources wisely

There's a lot of media that uses questionable practices such as sensationalism and gossip to attract consumers. They won't do any good for your mind. Find a source that presents facts in a neutral, easy-to-digest way, empowering you to form well-informed opinions.

Balance it out

Additional to consuming news only once per day, make sure that you fill your time after that with things that make you happy, grounded and content. Now's the time to fill the rest of your day with beauty, good vibes and reminders that your life is good.